Discovery of the year SmoothSkin Muse IPL
grudnia 18, 2018
Adriana Style Blog
Discount Code
IPL Hair Removal
IPL Laser Depilation
Laser Depilation
Must Have
Product Review
SmoothSkin Muse IPL
The Best Product of the Year

Throughout the years I've tried many products to tackle my body's hair like: painful epilation, shaving, trimming, IPL treatment, various gels to have them removed with a poor and short-lasting effect.
I've even tried IPL treatment in a beauty salon few years ago but results have not convinced me to go back to it . My skin was left in patches of hair and patches of no hair and the treatment itself was performed too quickly and not carefully enough to my opinion.
Now having a chance to experience IPL hair removal system from SmoothSkin with a peace of mind, my own pace and comfort of using it at home I can spend as much time as I want ensuring it's done as it should.
The producer recommends using 12 consequtive sessions week by week and upon completion to continue with the treatment once monthly. Once I finish off the 3 months intensive hair removal process I'll happily get into once monthly routine - it sounds so great and can't wait for it to happen. Yay!
Packed in a beautiful, sophisticated box that looks 1st class. Its a wonderful equipment and simply a must have too. If you're fed up with razors, shaving, cutting your skin, irritate skin after shaving then this is a solution for you.
I've tried the treatment 4 times now and I'm just before my fifth attempt. The results have been outstanding and visible straight after 2/3 uses. I've notices more 'no hair' areas than before, hair growth has slowed down and these are finer too.
It's pain free to use it, as all you feel is warmth and a pinch.
It's also super fast, comfortable, hygienic and easy to use. If you are a sensitive person this machine has also a gentle mode feature. How fab is that? <3
This amazing product features:
- Bespoke Treatment
- Full body treatment in 20 minutes
- Suitable for legs, underarm, bikini & face
- Bespoke treatment for your unique skin tone
- Extra power means you can go longer between top-ups
- Gentle mode for those sensitive areas
- Unlimited flashes
- 96% of women who tried it would recommend to their friends!
- Suitable for all but the darkest skin tone
- Winner of Best New Beauty Innovation of the Year at The Beauty Awards with OK! Magazine 2018
- Winner of Best Body Tool at Women’s Health Beauty Awards 2018
- Use once a week for 12 weeks, then top up as required, around once every four to eight weeks.
I have not used a protective eyewear while performing IPL hair removal, however I closed my eyes just before the use of each and every impulse.
Also, I had no redness, no sensitivity, no burning sensation feeling or dryness after the treatment and felt super comfortable doing it myself.
Also, it's now an ideal time to start prep for summer to get hair free. Sounds great to you?
If you're dreaming about hair free full legs, underarms, bikini, face or hands then chooing a SmoothSkin Muse would be an ideal choice. Just treat yourself to something special this Christmas having my discount code: ADRIANA at hand.
Discount is deducted from a RRP Retail Price of the product.
Choose between a SmoothSkin Muse 30% off or Smooth Skin Bare 20% off for all UK and US customers. Unfortunately the product is not yet available in Poland.
Don't think twice however, as such a discount won't repeat again soon and now is the best time to buy these miracles.
I can highly recommend this product and I'm sure it'll satisfy every woman needs and high expectations.
Below is a picture of a short description of the product for your insight:
***This post is in collaboration with Smoothskin Muse
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IPL laser hair removal used to be quite expensive at beauty salons and now is more affordable. Buying a device for yourself is a great idea as it'll last for long time.
OdpowiedzUsuńI am thinking same way. Now it's more convenient to have a laser hair removal device at home as it's more affordable than ever. With my discount code having a SmoothSkin Muse is better than ever too! Cheers x
UsuńSuper wyglądasz w kolorze fuksji i kobaltu. A recenzja na 5+, dużo informacji i super, że produkt się sprawdził.
OdpowiedzUsuńJak do tej pory laser IPL sprawdził się idealnie. Zaczekam jednak z pełną opinią do końca 12 tygodniowego okresu zabiegów tygodniowych. Swoją drogą zabieg IPL raz w miesiącu to będzie coś wspaniałego, bo bardzo nie lubię się golić. Pozdrawiam
UsuńŚwietna sprawa!
Oj bardzo powiem Ci rewelacyjny sprzet. Licze ze wloski przestana sie pojawiac a ja pozegnam sie z maszynka raz na zawsze
UsuńBardzo fajny wpis zaintrygowałaś mnie tym, aż sama nabrałam ochoty na przetestowanie tego sprzętu. Tylko właśnie interesuje mnie to co napisałaś, czy te włoski przestaną się pojawiać. Bo już też mam ochotę już się pożegnać z maszynką :P Fajny wpis, zapraszam do siebie, pozdrawiam cieplutko i życzę szczęśliwego Nowego Roku kochana:)
OdpowiedzUsuńUżyłam tego cudeńka już z 6 razy i rzeczywiście zaobserwowałam mniej włosków na skórze, a w niektórych miejscach nie mam ich wcale. Jestem też w połowie drogi 12 x cotygodniowych zabiegów, więc nastawiam się pozytywnie. Wiem już, że w miarę używania będzie tylko lepiej i za jakiś czas pożegnam się z używaniem maszynki do golenia a depilarora IPL będę używać już tylko raz w miesiącu.
UsuńMoże sama się skuszę ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńProdukt można nabyć w UK, w Polsce jeszce go nie ma, ale jeśli masz możliwość zamówić na brytyjski adres do kogoś z rodziny czy przyjaciół to kod zniżkowy na produkt będzie niewątpliwie ogromnym plusem oszczędzając Ci sporą sumkę. Pozdrawiam
UsuńI love your fashion sense and style.
OdpowiedzUsuńWould you like to follow each other? If the answer is yes, please follow me on my blog & I'll follow you back.
Thank you ever so much for kind words. I hope you can visit me here regularly. Happy New Year to you.